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Cisco CUBE call hold and resume issue

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Cisco CUBE call hold and resume issue Empty Cisco CUBE call hold and resume issue

Post by stevenhui Tue Aug 20, 2019 5:08 am


We encountered a call hold & resume issue, detail as below:

Test call: Call from HW2600(Huawei)’IAD  to TBSBC and route to CUCM’s IAD
Result: call hold and resume failure, after press “HOLD” at CUCM’s IDA, both IADs become silent, after press “RESUME”, still silence, the call can’t get through.

From the signalling capture illustrate below diagram, we suspect some issues occur :
1. SBC didn’t reply same “HOLD” and “RESUME” initial from CUCM to HW2600
2. CUCM use “a=inactive” to initiate the call “HOLD”, but somehow SBC convert into “a=sendonly” to HW2600, also with telephone event 101, as illustrate in flow No.5
3. CUCM seems use “late offer”, but SBC ack always the offer without 101 as illustrate in flow No. 5,7,9, but the SDP of SIP profile already include telephone even 101.
4. The call “RESUME” initiate from CUCM didn’t relay/forward to HW2600.

Cisco CUBE call hold and resume issue Holdre11
Cisco CUBE call hold and resume issue Holdre10


Number of Messages : 1
Point : 3
Registration Date : 2019-08-14

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Cisco CUBE call hold and resume issue Empty Re: Cisco CUBE call hold and resume issue

Post by Admin Tue Aug 20, 2019 5:11 am


Would you contact with, please? In your email please add all captures from SBC too.



Number of Messages : 516
Point : 1211
Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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