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Multiple called number remaps

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Multiple called number remaps Empty Multiple called number remaps

Post by paratus Thu Oct 15, 2020 8:11 am

When the number starts with 00 or +, I would like to remove those prefixes -> /^(00|\+)(\d{8,15})$/\2/
When the number starts with 0 as prefix and follows with either 6 or 8, I would like to replace this prefix with 264 -> /^0([6|8]\d{4,9})$/264\1/

1. I just want to use one route, how can I add multiple remaps? I.e. in the above stripping on 1 condition and replace upon another
2. Does the remapping the number act as a route filter, i.e. block the call if it doesn't match or just the pass the number as is


Number of Messages : 8
Point : 14
Registration Date : 2019-07-08

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Multiple called number remaps Empty Re: Multiple called number remaps

Post by Admin Thu Oct 15, 2020 8:26 am


You cannot assign multiple regexes in the same route. For your case, you need to create a minimum of two routes with the same incoming and outgoing NAP and different called remapping regex. Remapping number act as a route filter. If it does not match it will drop the call if you don't have an alternative route. For example, you want to send international calls from one specific NAP and others from different NAP from the same incoming destination. In this case, you need to set two routes, first for international call and second for others.


Number of Messages : 516
Point : 1211
Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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Multiple called number remaps Empty Re: Multiple called number remaps

Post by paratus Thu Oct 15, 2020 10:02 am

Two routes required, noted... I tested if remap act as filter and it does not, it just passes the number on no match.


Number of Messages : 8
Point : 14
Registration Date : 2019-07-08

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