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Routing script to create a User-to-User Indication (UUI) based on the incoming called number

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Routing script to create a User-to-User Indication (UUI) based on the incoming called number Empty Routing script to create a User-to-User Indication (UUI) based on the incoming called number

Post by lmorissette Thu Dec 02, 2021 4:18 pm

This script will split the called number into 2 parts: 
- 5 digits prefix (routing number) to be the new called number
- The remaining numbers are put in the UUI field
See instructions on how to install this script in the attachment.
Routing script to create a User-to-User Indication (UUI) based on the incoming called number Attachment Script and instructionsYou don't have permission to download attachments.(2 Kb) Downloaded 9 times


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