Telcobridges - Session Border Controllers
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TSBC-HW-TRANS - hardware / software

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TSBC-HW-TRANS - hardware  / software Empty TSBC-HW-TRANS - hardware / software

Post by KrzysztofDrewicz Fri Mar 13, 2020 5:33 am


there is TSBC-HW-TRANS, it comes in two capabilities.

could we use any older TMG? (with any voip card, and upgrade) - so we don't need to invest on hardware?

is there any 'sharing' option for TSBC-HW-TRANS - like we have prosbc in the cloud, we don't really need to buy pair of TSBC-HW-TRANS (for 1+1 redundancy) and whould like to 'pay as we go' so use any TSBC-HW-TRANS in the cloud? or hosted by TB ?



Number of Messages : 6
Point : 12
Registration Date : 2019-12-17

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TSBC-HW-TRANS - hardware  / software Empty Re: TSBC-HW-TRANS - hardware / software

Post by Admin Fri Mar 13, 2020 5:37 am


There is no option to use old TMG devices as transcoding device and we don't offer 'pay as we go' option. The reason for that, transcoding device and the SBC must be in the same location and connected back to back.


Number of Messages : 515
Point : 1210
Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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