Telcobridges - Session Border Controllers
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Can you explain the costs on ""licensing"" for FeeSBC? As I understand it the “Software” is free but the “licensing” per session has a cost?

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Can you explain the costs on ""licensing"" for FeeSBC? As I understand it the “Software” is free but the “licensing” per session has a cost? Empty Can you explain the costs on ""licensing"" for FeeSBC? As I understand it the “Software” is free but the “licensing” per session has a cost?

Post by Admin Fri Feb 23, 2018 1:40 am

Licensing for FreeSBC is pretty simple – if you want to use the free version, just download the software and follow the instructions to secure a license. The license will be good for one year, when you’ll need to renew the license (still free). If you’d like 24/7 support and the paid features, you’ll have to pay an annual subscription of $1/session/year. Can’t get any easier!


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