Telcobridges - Session Border Controllers
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What's new in release 3.0.80

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What's new in release 3.0.80 Empty What's new in release 3.0.80

Post by Admin Tue Jun 19, 2018 8:28 am

What's new in release 3.0.80
Issues fixes:
#22633 - Support IP fragmentation
#22804 - Load Sharing with Round Robin in routing script
#22835 - Recovery webportal: interface role can be set to unused
#22855 - Toolpack refuses to apply configuration if host interfaces use bonding

What's new in release 3.0.79
Issues fixes:
#22822 - HOLD terminated with TOOLPACK_SIGNALING_ERROR
#22852 - TMG failed the decode the TO header in OPTIONS and dropped the message


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Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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