Telcobridges - Session Border Controllers
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What's new in release 3.0.92

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What's new in release 3.0.92 Empty What's new in release 3.0.92

Post by Admin Tue Jul 31, 2018 3:17 am

What's new in release 3.0.92
#19309 - Allow routing scripts to access the elements of the 'Diversion' header

Issues fixes:
#22818 - Misleading "boardmode" when the host lost connection to the Telecom board

What's new in release 3.0.90
#22902 - Have the ability to choose the outgoing timeslot of a CAS call
#22927 - Accept special characters in Identity and X-Identity headers (for STIR/Shaken)

Issues fixes:
#22947 - tbrouter running on a TMG7800-CTRL even when SBC functionality is not enabled
#22950 - tbrouter is in safe mode

What's new in release 3.0.83
#22892 - toolpack_engine: Synchronized twice the same endpoint

What's new in release 3.0.82
#22907 - Host Platform shows UNK on 'SBC-ready' TMG7800-CTRL
#22920 - TMedia does not acknowledge a reINVITE after a call establishment without SDP

What's new in release 3.0.81
#22749 - Support STIR (Secure Telephone Identity Revisited) information in FreeSBC


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Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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