Telcobridges - Session Border Controllers
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What's new in release 3.0.135

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What's new in release 3.0.135 Empty What's new in release 3.0.135

Post by Admin Tue Jun 18, 2019 2:44 am

What's new in release 3.0.135
#14465 - Call Trace Enhancement: Display incoming calls even if there is no matching NAP
#23647 - Add option to solve collisions of outgoing calls with force trunk/timeslot
#23648 - Session Timer: FreeSBC doesn't follow the refresher role change to send Re-Invite/Update
#23657 - Now ready to update to Toolpack 3.1
#23664 - Remap request-uri port of register messages

Issues fixed:
#23516 - web portal: We were unable to complete your request when displaying some status pages

What's new in release 3.0.134
Issues fixed:
#23640 - SIP INFO requests without body fails to be forwarded

What's new in release 3.0.133
Issues fixed:
#23608 - ARP requests missing when routing RTP packets between two network devices using IP addresses different from SIP

What's new in release 3.0.132
#23322 - Implement easier way to add user=phone to URI and headers
#23604 - Option to hide unused Ethernet ports from status warnings
#23617 - Passes 180 with SDP from outbound leg to inbound leg

Issues fixed:
#23608 - Missing ARP refresh may cause RTP packets to stop being transmitted
#23628 - FreeSBC always uses trans1 to relay RTP to transcoding units
#23630 - Strange Refresh output on trans0/trans1 IP interfaces status

What's new in release 3.0.131
#23600 - Access the SIP call-id in the routing scripts

What's new in release 3.0.130
#23098 - Support for Cas R2 Scenario With H.248

Issues fixed:
#23417 - Wrong PT used for DTMF in the H.248 call when different from profile's default


Number of Messages : 514
Point : 1209
Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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