Telcobridges - Session Border Controllers
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What's new in release 3.0.116

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What's new in release 3.0.116 Empty What's new in release 3.0.116

Post by Admin Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:57 am

What's new in release 3.0.116
#23194 - NAP capacity in status should take call rate limiting into account
#23267 - Forward the domain without any modification in From/To/Contact/P-Asserted-Identity SIP headers
#23339 - Option "Generate all SDP parameters" should add "a=sendrecv" in the SDP

Issues fixed:
#23289 - Second "180 Ringing" is incorrectly forwarded as "183 Session Progress" with SDP causing silent ringtone
#23338 - Missing GTT Rule validation, causing adapter restarting after applying an incorrect overlapping GTT Rule

What's new in release 3.0.115
#23193 - Add option to enable FAX detection on IP side

Issues fixed:
#23300 - Baseboard rebooting because of error on m2pa_layer
#23307 - Fail to ping DNS server may cause the adapter to be rebooted

What's new in release 3.0.114
#23267 - Add an option, per route, to forward the SIP from/to header domain to outgoing leg
#23281 - Out of call H.248 COT test

Issues fixed:
#23221 - Gateway app memory usage too high when a large number of pending Radius requests

What's new in release 3.0.113
#23241 - Privacy: id is not passed to SS7 IAM

What's new in release 3.0.111
#23233 - Potential loss of communication with the telecom unit during major update

What's new in release 3.0.110
#23228 - FreeSBC reply 183 without SDP when generating a ringtone

What's new in release 3.0.109
#23113 - Support SIP 181 call forwarded

Issues fixed:
#22508 - Tbrouter in safe mode should drop all packets by default

What's new in release 3.0.108
Issues fixed:
#23041 - Memory leak when connecting to remote database


Number of Messages : 514
Point : 1209
Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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