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How can I upgrade FreeSBC version?

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How can I upgrade FreeSBC version? Empty How can I upgrade FreeSBC version?

Post by Admin Mon Mar 26, 2018 6:13 am

Upgrade CentOS software packages

The operating system (CentOS) software upgrade is performed using yum software package manager. The repositories sites providing RPM packages are configured from /etc/yum.repos.d/. TelcoBridges provides a modified CentOS repository copy ( of the official CentOS repository.

If the unit or Linux server does not have access to Internet (or does not have DNS configured), you should configure an offline CentOS repository on your local machine as explained in this link .

Retrieving a Software Release

The retrieval of a software release requires that you comply with the following:
  • Unless advised otherwise by support, the software version to download should be retrieved from the support forum.

  • Consult the announcement for the latest stable software release.

  • You require a user name and password to download software. Contact support for the proper download credentials.

FreeSBC Software Release Status

Uploading a Software Release

Note: This procedure does NOT affect service.

New files are installed for the new release on the hard drive of the server in a separate folder from the current active release. Uploading a Software Release

Activating a Software Release

Note: This procedure affects service.
Once the new release version is installed, it is necessary to activate the new software version in the system.

Warning: This procedure requires a restart of the platforms and will affect service until the activation of the new software release is complete.

Activating a Software Release


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Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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