Telcobridges - Session Border Controllers
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Endpoint sends the register request to FreeSBC however the FreeSBC is not forwarding it to the registrar

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Endpoint sends the register request to FreeSBC however the FreeSBC is not forwarding it to the registrar Empty Endpoint sends the register request to FreeSBC however the FreeSBC is not forwarding it to the registrar

Post by Admin Wed Jan 02, 2019 2:20 am

The endpoint sends the register request to FreeSBC however the FreeSBC is not forwarding it to the registrar. Please check the following points to solve this issue;

  • Check if SIP domain configured correctly.

  • Check the SIP domain Status. Be sure domain registrar can be reached by FreeSBC. To check, Go to Status -> SIP -> SIP Domain -> Status -> SIP Registration Domains
    Endpoint sends the register request to FreeSBC however the FreeSBC is not forwarding it to the registrar Regist10

  • Check if SIP client configured correctly to send correct Domain name to FreeSBC. You can capture a SIP trace (see Signaling trace capture tool ) and use wireshark to analyze the trace. Look at the “To:” SIP header: it must match what is in the Sıp Domain configuration of the FreeSBC.

Please check the following wiki for more troubleshooting steps; FreeSBC Troubleshooting Guide


Number of Messages : 516
Point : 1211
Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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