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Deactivate SIP OPTIONS reply

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Deactivate SIP OPTIONS reply Empty Deactivate SIP OPTIONS reply

Post by Greg Fri Jun 23, 2023 11:33 am

Good day, we use the SBC to interconnect with providers via SIP.
Providers and SBC exchange SIP OPTIONS to qualify if the remote NAP is available or not, it is possible to activate or not this possibility for each NAP on FREE/PROSBC (remote polling)
It would be nice to to able to desactivate a SIP OPTIONS REPLY to providers so they would consider us DOWN, and stop sending the calls to desired SBC.
It is usefull when you use miltiple SBC and willing to force upstream provider to switch traffic to other SBC's.
It would allow us to be able to do software upgrades during the day. This way is better that NAP disabling as it cuts all calls, so we are forced to wait the off peak time.
Tell me what you think.


Number of Messages : 2
Point : 4
Registration Date : 2021-12-20

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Deactivate SIP OPTIONS reply Empty Re: Deactivate SIP OPTIONS reply

Post by jpuckett Sun Jun 25, 2023 11:45 pm

Hey Greg,

We don't have a way to do this exactly as you requested, and like you said disabling the NAP will cause undesired calls to drop instead of just new calls failing.

From a quick test in my lab the best way to achieve what you want to do would be to modify the SIP Proxy or the SIP Access List to a dummy IP that does NOT include your upstream connection IP.

This won't have any ramifications on calls that are already setup, and it would begin to ignore all options packets sent my the correct IP.

Of course there might be some small window where new calls are ignored before the upstream fails the OPTIONS audit and begins the reroute.

Joshua Puckett


Number of Messages : 14
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Registration Date : 2022-03-15

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Deactivate SIP OPTIONS reply Empty Re: Deactivate SIP OPTIONS reply

Post by Greg Mon Jun 26, 2023 3:45 am

jpuckett wrote:Hey Greg,

We don't have a way to do this exactly as you requested, and like you said disabling the NAP will cause undesired calls to drop instead of just new calls failing.

From a quick test in my lab the best way to achieve what you want to do would be to modify the SIP Proxy or the SIP Access List to a dummy IP that does NOT include your upstream connection IP.

This won't have any ramifications on calls that are already setup, and it would begin to ignore all options packets sent my the correct IP.

Of course there might be some small window where new calls are ignored before the upstream fails the OPTIONS audit and begins the reroute.

Joshua Puckett

Good day, its a good idea but not perfect from two points of view.
1: Ignore calls would cause a spike of missed invites,
2: I would need to modify it sometimes for 10 naps, which is not perfect, or keep two configurations

My proposition is the way to gentrly disable new calls to SBC without touching any major parts of configurations, and avoid any missed invites.


Number of Messages : 2
Point : 4
Registration Date : 2021-12-20

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