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How can configure FreeSBC to Relay SIP OPTIONS?

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How can configure FreeSBC to Relay SIP OPTIONS? Empty How can configure FreeSBC to Relay SIP OPTIONS?

Post by paratus Thu Jul 18, 2019 4:31 am

FreeSBC is currently set up as SIP FW layer, with a CLASS 4 freeswitch behind it that does LCR but also manage its own gateways (NAPS). Can anyone give me a direction on how to forward SIP OPTIONS still with B2BUA functionality to the class 4's gateways if the class 4 is sending it FreeSBC. I have a similar setup with OpenSips:
1. Class 4 -> Opensips (OPTIONS)
2. Opensips -> Gateway/Nap (OPTIONS-Added Via Header) <- In this case with FreeSBC, Im interested in a new OPTIONS request hiding the CLass 4 details
3. Gateway -> Opensips (200 OK)
4. Opensips -> Class 4 (200 OK)


Number of Messages : 8
Point : 14
Registration Date : 2019-07-08

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How can configure FreeSBC to Relay SIP OPTIONS? Empty Re: How can configure FreeSBC to Relay SIP OPTIONS?

Post by Admin Thu Jul 18, 2019 5:20 am

Please check if Map any response to available status is checked under NAP Advanced parameters. The Map any Response to Available Status parameter is set to consider proxies as available on any response class (including 5xx/6xx). This is required when a peer proxy does not support being polled with the OPTIONS method.

You need to uncheck this feature to work only with OPTIONS messages.


Number of Messages : 515
Point : 1210
Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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