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DTMF RFC2833 - Not Working

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DTMF RFC2833 - Not Working Empty DTMF RFC2833 - Not Working

Post by ggflow Tue Mar 08, 2022 6:32 am

Hi Team,

Im testing FreeSBC and have my Yealink headsets set to RFC2833 for DTMF but that doesn't seem to work. Only SIP INFO seems to work with DTMF, is there a setting to enable RFC2833?


Glen Ganderton


Number of Messages : 5
Point : 9
Registration Date : 2022-03-08

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DTMF RFC2833 - Not Working Empty Re: DTMF RFC2833 - Not Working

Post by Admin Tue Mar 08, 2022 6:50 am


SBC is compatible with RFC2833. But if you want to transcode between RFC2833 and SIP INFO you need to use a transcoding device. To better understand the RFC2833 problem you can run RTP capture on ProSBC, please flow the link below and analyze the RTPs with wireshark;


Number of Messages : 516
Point : 1211
Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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