Telcobridges - Session Border Controllers
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New NAP on the internet

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New NAP on the internet Empty New NAP on the internet

Post by Guest Thu Apr 15, 2021 4:13 am


I am setting up a new NAP to a provider over the internet. The NAP is showing as down and I am not seeing anything on our firewall. What is the best way to collect logs so I can see what the SBC is sending/receiving?

Also, the new provider is using an FQDN and previously we have used only IP addresses. Do I need to configure DNS groups for the name resolution to work?



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New NAP on the internet Empty Re: New NAP on the internet

Post by Guest Thu Apr 15, 2021 4:15 am

Hello Matthew

You can use tbsigtrace tool to see signaling between the devices. Please check the following link;

If you are using FQDN in the NAP Proxy settings you need to set the DNS. Please check below

Best regards


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New NAP on the internet Empty Re: New NAP on the internet

Post by Guest Thu Apr 15, 2021 4:16 am


Thanks for the reply. It’s a bit odd I am seeing packets in the tbsigtrace for the other NAP’s but not for my new one. I disabled all the other NAPs and it does not even create a capture file as there are no packets. However, I do appear to be seeing some traffic in the firewall logs now but I’m not sure why it would not appear in the tbsigtrace? Is there anything I need to do to get it to capture on a different IP interface?



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New NAP on the internet Empty Re: New NAP on the internet

Post by Guest Thu Apr 15, 2021 4:17 am


Please use tbrouter capture. Tbsigtrace only shows the allowed packets. Maybe received packets are not allowed somehow and dropped. Please check the following link;



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