How to reinitiate the initial configuration from web portal or restart from a fresh database or initial configuration at initial phase?
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How to reinitiate the initial configuration from web portal or restart from a fresh database or initial configuration at initial phase?
I mistakenly deleted the /system/system1 from my FreeSBC. No database backup was created and collected on my local pc. Now, the web portal is showing recovery mode and asking for an old database backup upload. What to do and how to reinitiate the initial web portal configuration or restart from a fresh database or initial configuration?
Last edited by ahsanul.moyeen on Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:14 am; edited 2 times in total
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Re: How to reinitiate the initial configuration from web portal or restart from a fresh database or initial configuration at initial phase?
Please follow the below-required commands to resolve if you still have SSH access to FreeSBC:
1. ssh to the SBC host
2. type this command: mysql -utbdb -ptbdbpw
3. type this command: show databases;
4. type this command: drop database databasename;
5. type this command: exit;
Note: in MySQL you need to use ";" after each command.
1. type this command: tbx_cli_tools_remote
2. go to: tboamapp
3. press: q
4. type: yes (then press enter).
*If you want to reinitiate the initial web portal configuration or restart from a fresh database or initial configuration or reinstall the FreeSBC using SSH and you have an old/existing database that is corrupted or you don want that database then follow the above steps.
*If you want to reinitiate the initial web portal configuration or restart from a fresh database or initial configuration or reinstall the FreeSBC using the web portal then you have to have an existing database to access from the web portal and this can be done 2 way:
1 - got to: Hosts -> Select the Host -> Host COntrol -> Change network devices role
(This will bring the first initial configuration screen to reset the network device roles)
2 - got to: Hosts -> Select the Host -> Host COntrol -> Reset Host Role
(This will bring the first initial configuration screen to reset host role)
*If you do it by uploading an old database then to access the web portal check whether http or https were enabled or not and use https or http in the web portal URL to access the web portal.
*To reset or recover user and password of the web portal or If you lost your web portal access - user and password then follow the below steps:
1. ssh to the SBC host
2. type this command: mysql -utbdb -ptbdbpw
3. type this command: use toolpack_3_1;
(If the tool pack version is 3.1 or select/use your required tool pack version)
4. type this command: UPDATE users SET pass='dc76e9f0c0006e8f919e0c515c66dbba3982f785' WHERE name='root';
(same command applicable for both user and password change. also, you can change the user name from root to another one and change the password)
5. type this command: exit;
Note: in MySQL you need to use ";" after each command.
1. ssh to the SBC host
2. type this command: mysql -utbdb -ptbdbpw
3. type this command: show databases;
4. type this command: drop database databasename;
5. type this command: exit;
Note: in MySQL you need to use ";" after each command.
1. type this command: tbx_cli_tools_remote
2. go to: tboamapp
3. press: q
4. type: yes (then press enter).
*If you want to reinitiate the initial web portal configuration or restart from a fresh database or initial configuration or reinstall the FreeSBC using SSH and you have an old/existing database that is corrupted or you don want that database then follow the above steps.
*If you want to reinitiate the initial web portal configuration or restart from a fresh database or initial configuration or reinstall the FreeSBC using the web portal then you have to have an existing database to access from the web portal and this can be done 2 way:
1 - got to: Hosts -> Select the Host -> Host COntrol -> Change network devices role
(This will bring the first initial configuration screen to reset the network device roles)
2 - got to: Hosts -> Select the Host -> Host COntrol -> Reset Host Role
(This will bring the first initial configuration screen to reset host role)
*If you do it by uploading an old database then to access the web portal check whether http or https were enabled or not and use https or http in the web portal URL to access the web portal.
*To reset or recover user and password of the web portal or If you lost your web portal access - user and password then follow the below steps:
1. ssh to the SBC host
2. type this command: mysql -utbdb -ptbdbpw
3. type this command: use toolpack_3_1;
(If the tool pack version is 3.1 or select/use your required tool pack version)
4. type this command: UPDATE users SET pass='dc76e9f0c0006e8f919e0c515c66dbba3982f785' WHERE name='root';
(same command applicable for both user and password change. also, you can change the user name from root to another one and change the password)
5. type this command: exit;
Note: in MySQL you need to use ";" after each command.
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