Telcobridges - Session Border Controllers
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What's new in release 3.1.108

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What's new in release 3.1.108 Empty What's new in release 3.1.108

Post by Admin Wed Jan 06, 2021 12:50 am

What's new in release 3.1.108
Issues fixes:
#24054 - Moved AWS instance does not re-discover its vlanid
#24385 - Both hosts got active after ctrl0 disconnect
#24507 - Improve HA

What's new in release 3.1.107
Issues fixes:
#24437 - Outgoing FQDN support when multiple IP received (fixed DNS Query on ENUM Query response URI contains user=phone parameter)

What's new in release 3.1.106
Issues fixes:
#24572 - Gateway database doesn't always load all values(for cdr configuration)

What's new in release 3.1.104
Issues fixes:
#Tracking 24472 - Some tbstatus path --json returns nothing
#Tracking 24487 - Rules on Emergency calls are not working as expected
#Tracking 24523 - Increase SCCP LSAP and GTT Associations to more than 16

What's new in release 3.1.103
#24516 - User-to-User Forward

What's new in release 3.1.102
#24437 - ENUM query -SRV -down to DNS A record query requirement

What's new in release 3.1.101
#24336 - Add Radius CDR Attributes

What's new in release 3.1.100
Issues fixes:
#24487 - Rules on Emergency calls are not working as expected
#24414 - Select strategy according to called number


Number of Messages : 514
Point : 1209
Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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