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Question about route priority and failover

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Question about route priority and failover Empty Question about route priority and failover

Post by jmross Wed Sep 09, 2020 12:24 pm


I think we will be deploying ProSBC soon but I'm stuck on one routing issue.

Here's a screenshot of our routes. I've simplified it the routes a bit.

Question about route priority and failover Routes10

We have FreeSBC in front of two Asterisk servers (in the NAPs and routes, they are named SERVER_0, SERVER_1 or SIP_SERVER_0, SIP_SERVER_1). We have one SIP domain and have both set up as a registrar:

Question about route priority and failover Regist10

As you can see, we have an open NAP to each and we accept calls from NAPs for trunks such as Thinktel, and a PSTN gateway.

I need the calls to reach the Asterisk server because we are currently using the Asterisk CDR for call records and billing. A script on the Asterisk servers determines if the number dialed belongs to a customer by querying our customer accounting database and returning a list of endpoints to call (ATAs, etc). If it is a customer number, then it sends the call back to the SBC over SIP_SERVER_X_NAP_0 which matches the route SERVER_X_TO_REMOTE. This works and isn't what I need help with.

If the call isn't one of our numbers then it's sent to SBC over SIP_SERVER_X_NAP_1 where I want it to:

- Route to the PSTN gateway if it is a local number (using label routing)
- if it is not a local number or the PSTN gateway is unavailable, then route to
- if fails, then we can't do anything so drop the call

This works mostly but if fails, then it fails over to the next Asterisk server then tries the above again.

ie. The call is routed like this:


Since the call hits both Asterisk servers, then two CDR entries are created. Both Asterisk servers are sharing the same database for the CDR.

Is there a way for the call to end after trying but still be able to have failover in case SERVER_0 is down?

Let me know if you need more information or if any of my post is confusing.



Number of Messages : 9
Point : 19
Registration Date : 2020-03-06

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Question about route priority and failover Empty Re: Question about route priority and failover

Post by Admin Thu Sep 10, 2020 1:43 am


For routing configuration, you can check the following link; For more details please contact


Number of Messages : 516
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Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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Question about route priority and failover Empty Re: Question about route priority and failover

Post by jmross Thu Sep 10, 2020 1:11 pm

It looks like I was able to solve this by changing the Route retry action for cause code 16 (Q850 normal call clearing) to "Stop call".

The first attempt of REMOTE_TO_SERVER_X ends with reason "16_NORMAL_CALL_CLEARING".

I'm hoping this doesn't break anything else.



Number of Messages : 9
Point : 19
Registration Date : 2020-03-06

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Question about route priority and failover Empty Re: Question about route priority and failover

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