Telcobridges - Session Border Controllers
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SIP - Domain Routing

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SIP - Domain Routing Empty SIP - Domain Routing

Post by sharadkumar Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:48 pm

Hey guys,

We just started working on freebc and telcobridges products. We are implementing simple routing where calls from different domains (sip host) should go there predefined NAP.

We have SIP domains defined - and and we have 2 separate NAPS for both domains with there registrars. Our UACs can register to there domain without a problem. But we are getting issues while routing SIP invite. In the routes section, I added 2 routes -
1. From_Open_NAP to NAP PBX1 # So that call coming from anywhere can go to NAP PBX1
2. From NAP PBX1 to registered 1

These 2 routes work when we have 1 SIP domain, but if we have to then it ends up sending INVITE for the second PBX to the PBX1 NAP because I have first NAP created which takes all the call. Now I need help from you guys that from where I can set up a filter for a called_sip_host and can route calls accordingly. I have read all the tutorials for SIP routing and also learned Ruby but I couldn't found the starting point.

Please help me and I will really appreciate that.

Thank you


Number of Messages : 3
Point : 7
Registration Date : 2020-05-29

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SIP - Domain Routing Empty Re: SIP - Domain Routing

Post by Admin Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:25 am


You need to regex to send calls to correct NAPs. For example; if you have domains and,you need to have 2 routes for OPEN NAP. One route remapped nap must be NAP A, the other route remapped NAP must be NAP B. And you need to defined the domains in the called and calling number area in the route.

Please check the following link for regex;


Number of Messages : 514
Point : 1209
Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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SIP - Domain Routing Empty Re: SIP - Domain Routing

Post by sharadkumar Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:08 pm

Thank you for the help. It's working now


Number of Messages : 3
Point : 7
Registration Date : 2020-05-29

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