Telcobridges - Session Border Controllers
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Its not direclty related to SBC but does telco bridge have a prodcut that help in to fulfil reporting requirment like tapping such as Emprix or OCOM etc

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Its not direclty related to SBC but does telco bridge have a prodcut that help in to fulfil reporting requirment like tapping such as Emprix or OCOM etc Empty Its not direclty related to SBC but does telco bridge have a prodcut that help in to fulfil reporting requirment like tapping such as Emprix or OCOM etc

Post by alan.percy@telcobridges.c Wed Jan 23, 2019 3:45 pm

While both FreeSBC and the Tmedia gateways support legal intercept recording, we do not offer a recording application like NICE or other contact center compliance recording systems.


Number of Messages : 60
Point : 176
Registration Date : 2019-01-14

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Its not direclty related to SBC but does telco bridge have a prodcut that help in to fulfil reporting requirment like tapping such as Emprix or OCOM etc Empty Re: Its not direclty related to SBC but does telco bridge have a prodcut that help in to fulfil reporting requirment like tapping such as Emprix or OCOM etc

Post by Admin Fri Feb 22, 2019 3:57 am

We already test our products with Oracle Communications Operations Monitor (OCOM) and we can supply all reporting requirement including MOS values to OCOM.


Number of Messages : 516
Point : 1211
Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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