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FreeSBC 1+1 Configuration

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FreeSBC 1+1 Configuration Empty FreeSBC 1+1 Configuration

Post by Admin Tue Oct 23, 2018 3:00 am

FreeSBC 1+1 requires a second hardware unit/instance to provide high availability and redundancy support in active/standby configuration mode. For virtual machines set up, this can be a second instance on the system, while bare metal setup requires a separate hardware unit, that acting as the secondary unit ideally with the same resource as the primary unit to provide same performance during active/standby failover. The secondary FreeSBC unit must have the same network devices configuration as the primary FreeSBC unit.

FreeSBC 1+1 requires a minimum of three networks for initial configuration. The first network will be used as a local management interface to access the instance using the web portal (HTTP/HTTPS) and SSH access. The second network will transport the actual incoming and outgoing VoIP streams (signaling and media) that the FreeSBC will process. The third network will be used as a control interface connecting to another host in FreeSBC 1+1 configuration for control purposes.

Please check the following link for more details; FreeSBC:1+1 Configuration


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Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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