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How to manage users?

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How to manage users? Empty How to manage users?

Post by Admin Mon Mar 26, 2018 5:53 am

User Groups

One or more user groups can be created to define access rights, such as read only, read/write, or no access at all. Access rights can be assigned to all regions of the web portal or to specific areas. Creating user gorups.

Creating User

One or more users can be created and given access, which was previously defined by user groups. A user is given a name, a password, and assigned to a user group. Creating user.

Modifying User Permissions

The access permissions of users can be modified in two different ways:
  • Modify the permission of a single user: If you wish to modify the permissions of a single user, you can assign them to a group to which they are the sole member and then change the permissions of this group.

  • Modify the permission of a group of users. If the change in permissions will affect more than one user, then change the permissions of the group to which they are assigned.

Modify user permission

Enabling and Disabling a User

One or more users can be disabled. Enabling and Disabling a user

Deleting a User

One or more users can be deleted. Deleting a user


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