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Standard Scripts

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Standard Scripts Empty Standard Scripts

Post by Admin Thu Mar 08, 2018 1:04 am

Standard scripts are used to modify the behavior of the static routing.  It allows for the prioritization of routes, load sharing amongst multiple endpoints, or the modification of some call parameters. It can be enabled on any system in just a few steps. The following is a list of Scripts supported today:

  • Simple routing (simple_routing.rb): Script used for the static routing table

  • NAP priority routing (nap_priority_routing.rb): This script routes calls according to a priority setting of outgoing NAPs. Each NAP has its own priority setting. The [:prio] field column needs to be added in the NAPs page. A smaller [:prio] value has more priority. If more than 1 route matches, the route with the lowest NAP priority will be selected first. There is an improvement to this script using the nap_group_weight_load_balancer.rb filter.

  • Route priority routing (route_priority_routing.rb): This script routes calls according to a priority setting of Routes. Each Route has its own priority setting. The [:prio] field column needs to be added in each route. A smaller [:prio] value has more priority. If more than 1 route matches, the one with the lowest priority value will be selected first.

  • Percentage routing (percentage_routing.rb): This script enables load sharing among multiple NAPs. Each NAP has its own load sharing setting. The [:percent_target] field column must be added in the NAPs page. This is useful to evenly route call to different providers. The calculation of percentage for each NAP is done by using the cumulative number of outgoing calls made to each NAP. There is an improvement to this script using the nap_group_weight_load_balancer.rb filter.

  • ASR routing (asr_routing.rb): This script routes calls according to the ASR values of the destination naps. This kind of routing will try to improve overall system ASR by always using the best NAPs. It will also improve client perception by cleanly dropping calls that would almost certainly fail anyway.

  • Nature of Address and Numbering plan indicator remapping (noa_npi_remap.rb): Enables the modification of the NOA and NPI values on outgoing calls.

  • Least Cost Routing (least_cost_routing.rb): This script routes calls according to the cost values (which may depend on the time) of the routes. This is useful for cases when a route's popularity (cost) depends on the time of the day. This is done by adding different columns to the static routing tables (for example [:cost_0_6]) and filling them up with values for each route.

You can learn how to setup Standard Scripts in your gateway by following these steps: How to Setup Standard Scripts


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