Add Attestation-Info, Origination-ID and verstat in SIP headers according to incoming number
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Add Attestation-Info, Origination-ID and verstat in SIP headers according to incoming number
This script will add three SIP headers in the outgoing SIP Invites for stir/shaken cases
A. Add Header "Attestation-info"
Attestation-Info: A or B depending on the calling numbers
Will read from "calling_list.csv" file - if the number is present: A, otherwise B
B. Add "verstat" in FROM header (Added in sip_header_params script)
SIP-URI : From : "0123456789"sip:+123456789;;user=phone;tag=abcdefghijk
C. Add Header "origination-ID" :
Origination-ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
How to use
1. Load add_sip_attestation.rb script:
Gateway -> Routing Scripts -> Import Script File
File: add_sip_attestation.rb
ScriptType: Customer
Load at Startup: [unchecked]
2. Edit main script in 3 places (maybe simple_routing.rb):
require 'add_sip_attestation'
require 'sip_header_params' unless defined?(SipHeaderParams)
include AddSIPAttestation
include SipHeaderParams
before_filter :method => :add_sip_attestation
after_remap_filter :method => :sip_header_params, :headers_to_add => [
:documentation => "Add verstat to user parameters of most SIP headers",
:type => :user_param,
:contents => "verstat=TN-Validation-Passed",
:sip_headers => [
3. Add CSV file with one column named "calling"
Import file calling_list.csv: File DB -> Custom Files -> Import new file
A. Add Header "Attestation-info"
Attestation-Info: A or B depending on the calling numbers
Will read from "calling_list.csv" file - if the number is present: A, otherwise B
B. Add "verstat" in FROM header (Added in sip_header_params script)
SIP-URI : From : "0123456789"sip:+123456789;;user=phone;tag=abcdefghijk
C. Add Header "origination-ID" :
Origination-ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
How to use
1. Load add_sip_attestation.rb script:
Gateway -> Routing Scripts -> Import Script File
File: add_sip_attestation.rb
ScriptType: Customer
Load at Startup: [unchecked]
2. Edit main script in 3 places (maybe simple_routing.rb):
require 'add_sip_attestation'
require 'sip_header_params' unless defined?(SipHeaderParams)
include AddSIPAttestation
include SipHeaderParams
before_filter :method => :add_sip_attestation
after_remap_filter :method => :sip_header_params, :headers_to_add => [
:documentation => "Add verstat to user parameters of most SIP headers",
:type => :user_param,
:contents => "verstat=TN-Validation-Passed",
:sip_headers => [
3. Add CSV file with one column named "calling"
Import file calling_list.csv: File DB -> Custom Files -> Import new file
lmorissette- Number of Messages : 45
Point : 89
Registration Date : 2017-11-27
Re: Add Attestation-Info, Origination-ID and verstat in SIP headers according to incoming number
Hi Luc !
Can you post your script please ?
Can you post your script please ?
Florent Number of Messages : 1
Point : 1
Registration Date : 2022-02-28
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