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NAP Saturation testing

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NAP Saturation testing Empty NAP Saturation testing

Post by Guest Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:40 am

Hi Guys

We are setting up some new NAP's and looking to do a saturation test on it (as I need to get it up over 100 concurrent calls, without affecting my live traffic).

Is this possible to do this using the SBC or would I have to get an alternate testing tool to send traffic to my system?



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NAP Saturation testing Empty Re: NAP Saturation testing

Post by Guest Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:41 am


ProSBC has a “test call” feature to do some manual test calls, but it doesn’t generate a load of traffic for auto-test…
So yes, you will need to get an alternate testing tool to send that kind of test traffic.

Best Regards,


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