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tbcopycdr Source Interface Question

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tbcopycdr Source Interface Question Empty tbcopycdr Source Interface Question

Post by Guest Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:44 am


From my testing, the tbcopycdr is using the voip interface instead of the mgmt interface for outgoing ssh. I do have both mgmt interfaces allowed for inbound ssh. The issue I am running into is the secondary server can’t use the voip interface since it is not active.

Is there a way to change the src interface used for outgoing ssh or is the idea that it should only work when that specific server is primary?

Also, is the /lib/tb/toolpack/setup/12358/cdr_archive directory created by the script or do I need to manually create it?



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tbcopycdr Source Interface Question Empty Re: tbcopycdr Source Interface Question

Post by Guest Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:45 am


In the 1+1 setup, when one host is application active, say primary, the cdr logs will be generated there. If later, there is a switchover of application and role to secondary, and now the secondary host is active, then cdr logs will be generated from the secondary host. So, if 1+1, you should run tbcopycdr on both hosts, and let them send to your server.

For /lib/tb/toolpack/setup/12358/cdr_archive directory, if it is not already there, the script will create for you, so no need to manually create it.

Best regards,


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tbcopycdr Source Interface Question Empty Re: tbcopycdr Source Interface Question

Post by Guest Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:47 am


I followed your above-mentioned instruction but since it is using the voip interface to go out and that is only active with primary now, I will have to force secondary to primary status to get it set up. I was hoping it would use or could be changed to use the mgmt interface of each server to go out instead of the voip one that is shared.



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tbcopycdr Source Interface Question Empty Re: tbcopycdr Source Interface Question

Post by Guest Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:51 am


I found that you can add options to the scp command to choose the local interface.

Something like this:

scp -o BindAddress= test_file2.txt root@

So you can modify the tbcopycdr file (rename it tbcopycdr_1 so it does not get overwritten), then modify this line:


To add the “-o BindAddress=x.x.x.x” option.

Hope this helps.


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