Telcobridges - Session Border Controllers
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Do you support multiple signaling and media realms? How 1+1 redundancy is handled on IP level, is it using floating IP address?

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Do you support multiple signaling and media realms? How 1+1 redundancy is handled on IP level, is it using floating IP address? Empty Do you support multiple signaling and media realms? How 1+1 redundancy is handled on IP level, is it using floating IP address?

Post by Admin Fri Feb 23, 2018 1:47 am

Yes, multiple signaling and media realms are supported. Redundancy at the IP level is implemented by using different IP addresses on different Ethernet interfaces. FreeSBC detects trunk group statuses using polling and if a trunk group is not reacheable, FreeSBC will use a route on another interface. VoIP bonding (i.e. one IP address flosting between two physical interfaces) is not yet implemented on FreeSBC. VoIP bonding is supported on our media gateways. It has simply not yet been implemented on FreeSBC.


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Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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