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ProSBC - CPU - prereq script

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ProSBC - CPU - prereq script Empty ProSBC - CPU - prereq script

Post by rodrigopassos Tue Oct 13, 2020 1:17 pm


We are receiving the following message whe try to activate config_1:

ReloadConfig failed, missing prerequisites: INFO - Script called with args ['--prereq']
This CPU does not support SSE 4.2 which is required to run this application

We have an old hardware plattform (Dell 1950) without some features, and we need to know what script and how to run that to solve this problem.

Anynone could help us with this "issue"?


Rodrigo Passos


Number of Messages : 2
Point : 6
Registration Date : 2020-06-02

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ProSBC - CPU - prereq script Empty Re: ProSBC - CPU - prereq script

Post by Admin Thu Oct 15, 2020 8:34 am


ProSBC requires SSE4.2 support in the CPU. You need a newer CPU that supports SSE4.2 on the server.


Number of Messages : 516
Point : 1211
Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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