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Battling Robocaller Fraud with STIR/SHAKEN

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Battling Robocaller Fraud with STIR/SHAKEN Empty Battling Robocaller Fraud with STIR/SHAKEN

Post by Admin Wed Nov 28, 2018 2:00 am

Caller-ID spoofing is the problem that regulators and service providers are taking very seriously. It’s not just annoying, it can be part of a phishing campaign where seniors and others are preyed upon. What’s stopping Robocallers from identifying themselves as being the IRS or FBI? The problem is that service providers have no means to verify that the number/name being offered as the caller-ID, is actually owned by the caller. Listen in to this recorded webinar to learn how service providers can put an end to caller-id spoofing and much of the fraud with the STIR/SHAKEN framework.


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Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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