Telcobridges - Session Border Controllers
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Faxing over SIP - we are keeping our digital PRI's for this purpose - Fax machines and e-Fax services

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Faxing over SIP - we are keeping our digital PRI's for this purpose - Fax machines and e-Fax services Empty Faxing over SIP - we are keeping our digital PRI's for this purpose - Fax machines and e-Fax services

Post by Admin Wed Nov 28, 2018 12:54 am

Faxes are supported on SBCs. It needs to support passthrough or T.38 functionality to do this.


Number of Messages : 516
Point : 1211
Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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Faxing over SIP - we are keeping our digital PRI's for this purpose - Fax machines and e-Fax services Empty Re: Faxing over SIP - we are keeping our digital PRI's for this purpose - Fax machines and e-Fax services

Post by lmorissette Wed Nov 28, 2018 5:36 pm

Of course our FreeSBC supports all of this Smile


Number of Messages : 45
Point : 89
Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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